about me
Hi I'm Colleen!

I thought I'd turn the camera away from my plate, for once, and introduce myself. Cooking is my passion. Math is my profession. I'm an engineer by day and a total foodie by night. I love everything about food. Cooking it, photographing it, talking about it and- of course- eating it.
I strive to create delicious recipes that everyone can make! This website began as an instagram page to share my passion for food and fitness. As that devotion grew, I wanted a better platform for sharing delicious balanced food with you all. I include the macronutrients with my recipes because I love the numbers side of nutrition. While I track my macros some days, I don't follow a specific diet or limit any foods. I cook what I like and I eat what tastes good. For me, that could be every vegetable under the sun or a massive brownie sundae.
We're all about balance here: food that's good for the heart and good for the soul. I hope you enjoy eating and cooking my recipes as much as I enjoyed taste testing them!